- Compulsory (إلزامي )
- Sunna (السنة)
- Illegitimate (حرام )
- Makrooh ( مكروه )
- Mubah or permissible (مباح )
Compulsory is an act that if done will get a reward from Allah, but if be abandoned, will get punishment from Allah. Likely Prayer (الصلاة ), Fasting in Ramadan month (الصوم ), Tithe (زكاة ), Done hajj in Mecca (الحاج)
2. Sunna
Sunna is an act if done will get reward from Allah, but if be abandoned, will not get punishment from Allah. Likely Sunna prayer (صلاة السنة), Monday-Thursday Fasting (صوم يوم الاثنين والخميس), etc.
3. Illegitimate
Illegitimate is an act if done will get punishment from Allah, but if be abandoned, will get reward from Allah. Likely fornicate (زنى), Steal (سرقة), etc.
4. Makrooh
Makrooh is an act if done will not get punishment from Allah, but if be abandoned, will get reward from Allah. Likely prioritize left part of body if ablution.
5. Mubah or permissible
Mubah or permissible is an act if done and if abandoned will not get any punishment and or any reward from Allah. Likely eat (أكل), drink(شرب), etc.
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