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18 Oktober 2013

Kolotibablo: System Level

System Level Kolotibablo. Hi there! Welcome back! Today I wanna share to you about Kolotibablo. Yes! The captcha company site. When we working on Kolotibablo, we will feel so pleasant because in the Kolotibablo there are System Levels. Well, check it out! :)

  1. The Beginner Level ( + 0% ), you've entered < 100 CAPTCHA(s).
  2. Younger Sticker ( + 2% ), you've entered 100 CAPTCHAs.
  3. The Senior Sticker ( + 5% ), you've entered 1,000 CAPTCHAs.
  4. Silver Hammer ( + 8% ), you've entered 5,000 CAPTCHAs.
  5. Gold Hammer ( + 10% ), you've entered 10,000 CAPTCHAs.
  6. The Smith ( + 15% ), you've entered 18,000 CAPTCHAs.
  7. The Gold Smith + 20% ), you've entered 30,000 CAPTCHAs.
  8. Kuvaldo ( + 25% ), you've entered 50,000 CAPTCHAs.
  9. Gold Kuvaldometer ( + 30% ), you've entered 80,000 CAPTCHAs.
  10. The Younger Borer ( + 35% ), you've entered 120,000 CAPTCHAs.
  11. The Senior Borer ( + 50% ), you've entered 170,000 CAPTCHAs.
  12. Deformator ( + 120% ), you've entered 250,000 CAPTCHAs.
The red letters show you the amount of the extra salary.
For example:
We have earned $1.10 and our level is Deformator. Then, our salary is:
$1.10 + ( 120% x $1.10 ) = $1.10 + $1.32 = $2.42

Come again, yea! :)

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