ferdisetiawan20 - Halo! Sedang mencari pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pelestarian budaya Indonesia? Anda beruntung sekali, karena hari ini saya membagikan pidato saya mengenai melestarikan budaya Indonesia.
Pidato ini sebenarnya merupakan tugas, akan tetapi saya membagikannya secara gratis untuk Anda yang sedang membutuhkannya :)
Pidato berjudul "Melestarikan Budaya Indonesia"
Pidato ini sebenarnya merupakan tugas, akan tetapi saya membagikannya secara gratis untuk Anda yang sedang membutuhkannya :)
Pidato berjudul "Melestarikan Budaya Indonesia"
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
The honorable teacher, and all my beloved friends.
Good afternoon, everybody! So let's thank to God for all of His blessings so that we can gather here in a good condition.
In this occasion, I would like to tell you all about Indonesian culture and how to preserve it. Before I tell you about that, could you give me an example of Indonesian culture? Well, that's enough. But don't you realize that the Indonesian language is also our wealth?
Last day I read a news about traditional languages in Indonesia which are threatened (in danger). It's about more than 100 (one hundred) languages. After I read that, I inspired to tell you about this danger.
Nowadays, we can see in our school there are 3 foreign languages which are subject for student to be fulfilled. Besides, we still have Bahasa Indonesia as our primary subject. We need to be on guard to face this situation. It's okay when you want to learn foreign language, but never, never to ignore our language, our Bahasa Indonesia.
Well, we have talk about language. Now let's get into our best discussion. Have you ever heard about Pendet Dance which is claimed as Malaysian culture? If yes, so what made it stolen? It's because our apatism as young generation for this nation. We shall keep it in our hand, never loose it even a second!
Our country always viewed bad by the others. We shall do a change to our country. First, we can simply love Batik as our fashion. We know that Batik is already avowed by UNESCO as the World Heritage. But ironically, why do teenagers still wear foreign fashion? It's the way of foreign country to take power of us. They do good but the fact they have taken the power of our country.
Well, enough for it. Now we should think on how we can preserve our culture. First we get, to love Batik as our fashion. And the next we can conclude that we should love Bahasa Indonesia as our native language. Besides we should also love our regional language. For me, my regional language is Javanese.
Maybe that's enough for us to know on how to preserve our culture. Now it's up to you, whether you use my way or just use your way to preserve. I think it's enough for me to stand here because I've done with my work. Thank you for your attention and your participant. Hope my words will useful for us, for others and especially for our beloved Indonesia.
Those words are simple but you can develope it in your minds. Please apologize my mistakes and goodbye, have a nice day!
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Baik, itu tadi adalah speech yang saya buat sendiri. Kurang lebihnya bisa ditambah sendiri, ya! Semoga membantu! Sampai jumpa di artikel berikutnya!!!
tag: speech bahasa inggris, contoh speech bahasa inggris, pidato pelestarian budaya, pidato cara melestarikan budaya, cara melestarikan budaya indonesia, speech bahasa inggris tentang budaya indonesia, how to preserve indonesian culture, pelestarian budaya indonesia
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