.: Selamat datang di blog Ferdi Setiawan! :.: PERHATIAN! (9 JULI 2018) Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Blog ini saya nyatakan TIDAK AKTIF. Blog terbaru saya adalah sebagai berikut: Ferdi Huang :.: Terima kasih! :.

31 Agustus 2013

MuseScore, a Software to Write Musical Notes on Your Computer

MuseScore - MuseScore is a new software for me. Because I just found it maybe a week ago. You can write Musical Notes offline in your computer! Wow! It's amazing!
But, did you know? What is Musical Notes?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Musical notes or just Note has two primary meanings: A sign used in musical notation to represent the relative duration and pitch of a sound; A pitched sound itself.
 And you must know the image of this musical notes!
The note A or la
Well, back to our primary topic! To download the MuseScore, you must see the screenshot below!
The Screenshot
MuseScore logo
Okay! As my appointment above, after you seen the screenshot, you be able to download.
To download the software, you must enter to the website.
MuseScore Website: http://musescore.org/

Thank you =) Don't forget to come again! :)

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