.: Selamat datang di blog Ferdi Setiawan! :.: PERHATIAN! (9 JULI 2018) Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya. Blog ini saya nyatakan TIDAK AKTIF. Blog terbaru saya adalah sebagai berikut: Ferdi Huang :.: Terima kasih! :.

17 Juli 2013

Earn money from Internet Part 3 [ PAID TO PROMOTE #2 ]

Hello! If yesterday I share to you about PTP system, today I also share again this topic but the site is different! =)

If you don't read my last post, I will tell you about PTP system [ little only ].
PTP system is you'll get paid if you're promoting an ad! So, when your visitors comes, you'll get paid even they were not clicking your ad!


Okay! To register, click on the link below:
Register Here or if you don't mind, click my promoting link!
 *) Click on the "SKIP AD" button in your top-right corner after you wait 5 seconds!

Then, insert your data!
Confirm Password:
Referrer: sferdi37
*) For referrer, you should enter this data: sferdi37. Because you learn how to earn money from my blog! Just easy right? =)

After that, click on the "Sign Up" button!

Then, you can login! =)


To register, click on the banner below:
Then, click on the "SIGN UP NOW !" button!
After that, you must enter your data! [ this step is likely on the first way step ]
Confirm Password:
Referrer: sferdi37
*) Because you click on the banner, you will not enter Referrer box because the box is automatic filled =)

Then click on the "Sign Up" button!
You are now can log in to the Frame PTP =)

- To promoting your account, click on the "PTP link"! [ location: right ]
- To gain your referral, click on the "Reflink"! [ location: right ]

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